
Embroidery Techniques

 Embroidery is the art of weaving fabric or other textiles with a needle, ink, or other material to attach fabric-on-fabric by sewing. Embroidery can also include other materials like beads, sequins, pearls, and quills. In older days, embroidery stitches were manually done using a sewing machine or by hand. Today, automated machines and computerized embroidery machines are available for faster and easier work.  click here Embroidery designs come in different forms and types. There are the traditional stitches like the cross-stitch, the half-open hook stitch, the closed hook stitch, the octagonal chain stitch, and the twisted stitches. There are also special stitches called decorative stitches or embellishments. Some stitches are created specifically to produce thick, heavy fabrics like the ogee, the full eave, or the scarf stitches. There are also stitches that create effects similar to painting with threads on fabric. In most modern embroidery patterns, the stitches are produced using